The technical characteristics of the project 3.4km long-distance belt conveyor in the mine of Chinalco Pingguo Aluminum Branch are as follows: 1、There is a horizontal turning section, the turning angle and radius are 29 and R1840m. The ho
2021-11-05 Website editor 926
The technical characteristics of the project Shaanxi Xixiang Yaobai Cement Co., Ltd. 2.8km long-distance curved belt conveyor are: 1、There are three horizontal turning sections, with turning angles of 17, 9 and 21. The 17 horizontal turni
2021-11-05 Website editor 1002
The technical characteristics of the project 4.1km long-distance curved belt conveyor of Shaanxi Fuping Ecological Cement Co., Ltd. are as follows: 1、There are two horizontal turning sections, the turning angle and radius are respectively
2021-11-05 Website editor 890
Technical Data Charts Live picture
2021-11-05 Website editor 996
Characteristic of Project 3.2km long-distance curved belt conveyor in Laos cement mine: 1、There is one horizontal turning section, the turning angle and radius are 32 (R2000m) respectively. The horizontal turning section includes 7 convex
2021-11-05 Website editor 572