• Youth, casting activities

    On the afternoon of September 26, 2009, in sichuan zigong transport machinery co., LTD., office building 5th floor conference room, unusually warm atmosphere, constantly from the cheers and applause from the venue. This is casting flange youth fellowship

    2009-11-02 Website editor 159

  • Zigong zhongyou electrical and mechanical equipment co., LTD

    On September 16, one thousand women, the air crisp, the sun shines. High board warehouse industrial park this slogan, flags flying, and the music played zigong zhongyou electrical and mechanical equipment manufacturing company production base plate storeh

    2009-09-25 Website editor 255

  • Zigong city, sichuan province transportation machinery group

    In 2009, the cool autumn wind, osmanthus fragrance on September 16, is a special unforgettable, to celebrate the big day, because this is the day we ushered in the zigong zhongyou electrical and mechanical equipment co., LTD manufacturing base plate store

    2009-09-25 Website editor 197

  • Zigong is vice secretary of municipal party committee, actin

    Morning of July 22, 2008, vice secretary of municipal party committee, acting mayor of zigong LeiHongJin rate the municipal economic commission, state-owned assets supervision and administration, supervision bureau, zigong pedestrian center, head of the b

    2008-08-11 Website editor 145

  • The provincial economic commission director jiang to visit t

    On July 23, 2008 morning, the major power director jiang economic commission, the municipal economic commission of sichuan province, deputy director of the Chen Jiu optical, mechanical and metallurgical weeks section chief and so on a line of five people

    2008-08-07 Website editor 231